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  • Writer's pictureRhonda

Hello, Sawdust is Man Glitter, and other Rambling Thoughts

I think I need to start this, our first post, by identifying myself. I'm Rhonda, I'm Alan's wife.

Homemaker, helper, office administrator (couldn't think of another h-word for that last one).

The point of this blog will be to post some helpful hints for you, our customer; to post some funny or anecdotal tidbits; to ramble a bit about topics sometimes very loosely related to what we do :)

Now, about the Sawdust/Glitter thing: I've been seeing this around the internet lately.

I like this phrase. I get a kick out of it.

I always identified the scent of sawdust as integral to who my dad was (and still is). I've always loved the smell of it. Maybe because while building and fixing things around the house, my dad carried that scent. I marveled at the things he could do with hammer, nails, WD-40, and duct tape. My dad made me feel loved and secure.

No wonder then that I a married a man who carries around the same scent:sawdust, e.g. love and security and the ability to produce marvelous things (including our kids).

I also really just like the imagery that this phrase conjures up for me. There's something great about a guy working hard, doing something useful, constructive... yeah, that's pretty awesome.

Thanks for joining me. I look forward to any positive comments you'd like to share.

Be kind, be considerate, be aware that all negative comments will be deleted immediately.

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